November 22, 2007

Some "Finally" 's

You know it's been a little longer than already too long when it takes you a good 30 seconds along with a drawn out 'oh, uh..' to remember your password to even attempt to write something down here.
But, now that I've gotten through the first obstacle, I think it may just be time to fill in some empty spaces, or at least that's how I picture it in my head.

Today will be a caps day, as well as a grammatically correct day.
If you see a grammatical error:
a) feel free to laugh at the fact that I missed it
b) bite your tongue and let me revel in my attempted perfection in the grammatical world

Did any one else know that the saying is "the bane of my existence"?Up until today, I was under the impression that it was "the pain of my existence".
It always catches me offguard when something that I thought was right, turns out to be incorrect, or requires a change to be made.
What a great spot for a segue.
However, I think I'll just leave that one to resonate on it's own.

I think it's time for me to repudiate any past theories I may have come up with, plans I thought were brilliant at the time, or things I've written, thinking that they have the potential to have a larger effect on situations than they really do.
I'm starting to come to terms with the concept that maybe we shouldn't try to have an effect on a situation, but rather, allow certain situations to affect us.
It's become apparent to me in the past few days that things can change in a matter of seconds. Certain things you witness can entirely change an otherwise solidified opinion, or perhaps the more correct way I could refer to said opinion is as an assumption.

I think I'll just leave this with some final thoughts.
Sometimes it's not about figuring things out,
or calling a truce,
or even finding a replacement for what was lost.
It's about being okay with not neccessarily understanding everything, acknowledging that you've tried to fix things, and then leaving it be.

I always feel like I need a closing comment.
Time to get over that.